We worked in partnership with the Staffordshire Health Improvement Team to take an interactive self-assessment and training resource in CD ROM format and make it available as a website.
How’s your business feeling? aims to help managers and organisations to create a mentally healthy workplace that is inclusive and supportive of people with experience of mental health problems. It takes you through a series of self-assessment questions and highlights practical, achievable steps that can be taken to improve mental well-being in the workplace.
Background to the work
The original ‘How’s Your Business Feeling’ resource was developed by a multi-agency group with a remit for Mental Health and Employment across the County of Staffordshire and the City of Stoke-on-Trent. It pulls together key elements of existing guidance and best practice and made it easily accessible to organisations locally in CD ROM format.
We integrated an open source survey tool, Limesurvey, into the website to help produce the self-assessment tool. When users have finished answering all the questions, a simple report is generated and a summary of the results is made available. This provides an indication of how mentally healthy the users business is now, shows users where they are doing well, and highlights areas where users could take action to improve on things.
The video resources on the original DC ROM were Flash video format. We tested a number of video players and embedding methods and finally settled on JW FLV Player and swfobject.
JW FLV Player supports playback of any format the Adobe Flash Player can handle (FLV, MP4, MP3, AAC, JPG, PNG and GIF). It also supports RTMP, HTTP and live streaming, various playlists and captioning formats, a wide range of settings and an extensive javascript API.
Swfobject offers two optimized Flash Player embed methods; a markup based approach and a method that relies on JavaScript.
- Positively received by local people
- Added value to existing resources
- Good use of freely available software tools
- Innovative use of video resources
- Easy to use self-assessment tool with instant results reporting
- Strengthened branding