Adult opinions on key social issues within society

The Citizenship Survey is a biennial survey of adults in England and Wales, covering a range of community based issues, including views about the local area, racial and religious prejudice and discrimination.

It includes questions about a number of topics that cover:

  • family networks,
  • views of the local area,
  • fear of crime,
  • local services and political institutions,
  • volunteering and charity,
  • civil renewal,
  • racial and religious prejudice and discrimination, and
  • views about rights and responsibilities.

The survey also collects demographic data and background information about respondents.

The survey is based on a nationally representative sample of approximately 10,000 adults in England and Wales with an additional sample of around 4,500 from minority ethnic groups. Face-to-face fieldwork was carried out with these samples between March and September 2005 by interviewers from the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen).

The survey has two main aims:

  • to be a major policy tool, informing both the development of policy and its implementation, and
  • to provide information for Home Office performance measurement.

However, the survey covers many different areas and relates to the policy responsibilities of many different government departments.

Four inter-linked reports have been produced which set out the findings from the 2005 survey.

  • Cross-cutting themes(the current report): this report compares findings on different topics within the survey and looks at the links between them.
  • Race and faith topic report: this report explores views about racial and religious prejudice, perceptions of racial discrimination by public service organisations, and experiences of religious and employment-related discrimination.

The data from both the 2001 and 2003 surveys are available from the UK Data Archive: (2001 data) (2003 data). Reports on the 2001 and 2003 surveys.

Additional resources

Forthcoming findings from the 2005 survey:

  • Civic participation: findings from the 2003 Home Office Citizenship Survey – early 2006
  • Charitable giving: findings from the 2003 Home Office Citizenship Survey – early 2006

Findings from the 2003 survey:

Findings from the 2001 survey:

For further information on the Citizenship Survey please contact:

Jenny King – 020 7035 0981 –
or e-mail
or visit

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