Dementia Roadmap

Supporting the Royal College of General Practitioners to develop the Dementia Roadmap, an online resource which provides high quality information about the dementia journey alongside local information about services, support groups and resources to assist primary care staff to more effectively support people with dementia and cognitive impairment, their families and carers.

The Dementia Roadmaps deliver a range of benefits to the GPs, primary health and social care professionals and third sector groups that use them.

  • Introduce questions about memory functioning in scheduled visits and routine health checks and investigations for people identified as potentially at risk.
  • Assess and identify patients who present with symptoms suggestive of dementia signposting them to relevant resources or services
  • Reassure patients and their carers/families at diagnosis and during the dementia journey by signposting them to local resources, information and support.
  • Promote positive messages about remaining independent and living with dementia. This can help to prevent unnecessary admission to hospital for patients with memory problems in crisis.
  • Provide support for carers to maintain their health and wellbeing and provide opportunities for respite for the person they care for.
  • Support patients more efficiently, thereby reducing multiple / repeat appointments.
  • Refer patients onto specialist services where appropriate.
  • Keep accurate records, coding patients who present with memory problems appropriately. This improved prevalence will impact positively on the practice QOF.
  • Use case finding approaches with colleagues to identify patients with cognitive decline on the practice register in line with DES guidelines.

South of Tyne Dementia Roadmap

South Gloucestershire Dementia Roadmap

North Somerset Dementia Roadmap

Isle of Wight Dementia Roadmap

Durham and Darlington Dementia Roadmap

Devon Dementia Roadmap

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